Monday, May 26, 2008

Oh no...not Makenna

Yesterday, after church, I sat down to put my feet up. Makenna came over and took off my shoes. I was thinking, how sweet, then she starts spreading my toes apart and picking at them! She said, "Hold still, mommy, I get your toe jam!"


Misty said...

It has spread! =)

And, what do you mean the lakehouse is almost done? I didn't even know anything was being done over there? It's been a LOOOOONG time since I've been there!

Colette Sweet said...

Well, at least I know where to go if I have a bad toe jam problem!

Kirsten said...

I remember Emily going through that phase. Aren't kids fun? Hope you all are well and I love the blog. :)

Roo said...

She is so cute. I love it. I was telling my dad the story of Parker and the toe jam i'll have to update him that Makenna is at it as well! :)

Amber said...

Your kids are so cute!! That is pretty funny about your kids obsession with toe jam =). Ha! Ha! (BTW I found your blog from Darci's, hope you don't mind)